Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friden/Knowles Race Report

Philip and I decided to make the trek to Fontana and represent the B

Our performances turned out to be more like the D Team. The
attached photo is as close as we could get to the podium?

We did have a fun conversation with the Rocky Mountain Bike rep and he is going to be in town Tues & Wed and we may get to demo some cool rides. Stay tuned for details.

As a follow-up to Peter’s Fontana report, my opinion was that the course was pretty tough. Having no idea what to expect, I pretty much just jumped on my bike and rode it cold… and the results speak for themselves. The course was not exceptionally long and the climbs were not that tough, but there were so many tricky technical parts I crashed twice and couldn’t get into any sort of rhythm. I saw tons of other guys crashing as well, riders leaving the course with bloody heads and broken fingers. When speaking to the Rocky Mountain bikes rep he said that it had gotten noticeably worse over the three days and by Sunday it was down right bad. I felt pretty beat up by it but I guess I can’t whine too much because some riders were able to get good results, this is a course that a pre-ride would really help. Sounds to me like the Del Mar folks were having more fun

Philip “Taser” Friden


Anonymous said...

You guys are fast on the race reports. Just got mine done for the grey hair and hairless division race. Good to see you guys down there. A fun day in the sand traps.


Greg Knowles said...

thanks John, mobile blogging is my most recent trick. It can almost be instant. Good seeing you.

Rob said...

what was it like, the course, attendance, rain?

Greg Knowles said...

attendance was pretty good, and there wasn't any rain. tons of booths and vendors there. The course was challenging with lots of loose stuff on the downhills and short little techinical sections. There wasn't much climbing and with all the loose stuff, plenty of crashes. Tazer had a couple moments on his ride. Many said that the winter series is a blast when the course is more hard packed. I could see it being lots of fun.